Bros of The U.S.


Hey guys and gals! Yesterday, we had this event that celebrated the day the Declaration of Independence was signed. Funny thing is that for quite some time, I’ve been talking to my mom about doing this idea and next thing you know, I’m late for it. As they all say, better late than never! For this drawing, I drew the presidents of America as seen in Mount Rushmore. Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, the faces of American history. Together, these are the Bros of the U.S.

Prior to doing this drawing, I’ve never seen this idea come to life before. Granted, I never tried looking this up so I’m pretty sure this isn’t an original idea, but I still wanted to do it. For my take, I drew the presidents as if they lived in our times. For Theodore, I gave him a dark brown vest, a yellow ascot and a grin, as reference to the cowboy persona that he was known for. In Abraham’s case, I remember hearing about him making funny jokes so why not make him a popular student, as shown by him spinning a basketball. For Thomas, I found that he was a proponent for Republicanism, Democracy and Civil Rights and something about that fact gave me the impression of him being an intellectual so I drew him as an intellectual as well as a writer. Then we have George Washington himself, who I gave a yellow long-sleeved shirt and black jeans. As the leader of the Bros, he gets the cool shades and I also made him look like a casual guy. I picked the colors based on an image of the first president.

That is all from me, Mr.O and I hope this was worth doing.